You can find on this page the Seoul transport map to print and to download in PDF. The Seoul transportation map presents the transports network and transport zones of the transit of Seoul in South Korea.

Seoul transports map

Map of Seoul public transports

The Seoul transport map shows all means of transportation in Seoul. This transports map of Seoul will allow you to move easily with public transport of Seoul in South Korea. The Seoul transportation map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

You will be absolutely amazed at how easy it is to get from point A to point B once you have figured out a few basics. Fortunately, public transport in Seoul, like many other big cities in East Asia, is extensive, efficient, and well organized. Scooting between the best tourist attractions in Seoul is hardly a challenge once you have figured out how to get around Seoul (see Seoul transports map).

Seoul has a unified public transport system with Incheon and Gyeonggi as its mentioned in Seoul transports map, allowing passengers to transfer freely from either subway or bus using the T-money smart card and is connected via AREX to Incheon International Airport, rated the best airport worldwide since 2005 by Airports Council International. Public transport in Seoul can be managed without a transport card. However, a card will make your journey FAR less painful. A transport card (also called T-Money in Seoul) costs 4000KRW (about $3). They can be topped up and make public transport far easier to use.

There are actually quite a handful of different travel passes for Seoul transports, each one catering to the specific needs of the individual traveler. If you are contemplating over which one to get, do not fret, as Trazy is here to save the day. With the right pass, getting by on public transportation in Seoul will be a piece of cake (see Seoul transports map).